Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Liberal Media Reality

This blog is a response to the article posted by Dr. Kyburz written by Dr. Chuck Tyron concerning the presence of a liberal bias media within the United States. The article calls it a "myth, built on misleading evidence and faulty logic."
I would like to make a brief apology for the language and descriptions in the above video. They are rather harsh and entirely inappropriate. However, Dr. Tyron would have you believe that those news anchors and journalist were giving you nothing but the story and that they in no way were trying to force their views upon you. If you knew nothing about the election and you saw that video you could only make one conclusion about the election of Donald Trump, namely that it wasThe  "the end of the World." Those news bits show one side of the story and one side of the story only, that is the side that the owners of their respective companies want shown. Whatever their motives are I will not judge, but there is no way to claim that these men and women wish to clearly demonstrate two sides of an argument without inserting their liberal opinion.
I would like to clarify that I am in no way a Trump supporter ( I wasn't a Hillary supporter either). However, to not recognize that certain branches of the media have no problem manipulating the news for their agendas is a rather innocent and sheltered view of the world. What I am not saying is that a liberal media is bad. I do have the intellectual honesty to recognize that they do, however, dominate the mass media.



  1. Biases exist, to be sure. And the Trump win has set many passionate voices to amp up their messages. If we made a series of clips featuring FOX News voices, we might see *profound* biases on display, as well. Breitbart? Even louder and more biased. Keep in mind that many included in this clip are in *entertainment* media (comedy, where colorful language has a very very long history - it's routine). I wonder if there are good reasons to be *louder* now? I think there are, and I also believe our certain biases are for the good. That said, it gets bumpy!!

  2. The objective of my response was not to deny the biases exist in the media and it is very certain the fox news too has its biases. However, that being said it is one among few that support the conservative side of the bias. The majority, as seen in the clip, support the liberal side. Beyond the comedy and foul language there were legit round table discussion groups of CNN and NBC among others who showed their liberal bias. Fox news I agree does have its own bias, however the conservatism of its bias is very debatable (Kelly).My overall point is all media is bias, whether that good or bad is a different discussion. The main point is the liberal side of the media is heavily disproportional to the conservative side.

  3. I agree with Jacob. Although all media has certain agendas that they push, The Liberal Media Is Far More biased than the conservative media.
